
Discrimination, intimidation and fair injustice of people with disabilities is in high rising in our society today. We have to understand that we all share a common thing that is 'soul' and that should bond us to platonic intimacy; where we live with them befriend them and assist them to achieve their goals in life.
The story of Betty who is disabled and a member of Atamaisi Disable Farmers Group is striving like any other person to achieve her dreams in life and she said, 'I have accepted the situation and strive  to work hard since i believe disability is not inability. I can bring food home and fend for my family  unlike some people  who say they are 'normal' and cannot take care of their family due to alcohol' it is quite embarrassing for a normal person to be described like that by a disabled person, but you deserve it! who is better now? 

Ability is beyond disability, this is how we should see the disabled people in the society. Gone are the days when people of the society were seen as nuisance, and regarded as beggars whose life depend on sympathy.
a greater move to curb off this notion is ongoing in our country kenya and we applaud the various organizations that have come to guard the innocent disabled people who dived in the pool full of corrupt people who eked humanity  people in thier societies. They have been great empowerment going around to fight this social hazard and injustices, intimidation and disregards of people with disabilities. various compaigns both in the songs, roadshows, churches and even the N.G.O body have all shift the the tickle towards a better place that could give the victims hope and determination in life.

However various, the disable people are complaining of  being looked upon by part of the society as people who are not productive ,and at times they are left out when it comes to  NGOs and government programs which ofcourse is an irony. we are all supposed to work together to assist these people and avoid discriminating them and instead heed their ideas for they are constructive only that they lack support hence they could achieve much further than a normal person who always mantains life's status quo.

Together, let us guard the people with disabilities from unfair injustices.


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