posing for photos much and I was a big fan for cameras decided why not purchase a camera. I started with a small 16 megapixel cannon camera always carried wherever I went could take pics and watermark them Vick photography.” He continued, from this I could tell he is a visionary and he had a bigger picture in mind.
His models are mostly students, local artists, and fashion houses among other things like events. He has the fairest charges compared to his work. Having his logo on your photo has become the thing in the whole country and mostly to those who value photography. He being a film student his output and genre in photography relates very well to his education.
That’s a very brief outline of one person who never gave up on what he liked from the beginning, he never listened or followed what and how people thought of photography at that time but kept himself on his toes. Am sure you reading this you in one way or another you’ll require an imagery of you to recall onetime moment in your life.
All you need is a good professional photo’s I think the story of him above is a clear evidence of where to get such. As I end the session, remember that you don’t need to follow others to get somewhere.
Being a man of few words he says that you can judge his work on Instagram @vic.eye_photography
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