
'Lover' hit maker Bahati tena seems to be tired of what his fellow gospel artist Willy Paul has been doing to him and decides to share it with his fans whom he refers to as 'family', he posted this on his Facebook page;

Bro just chose to write it here because after all you’ve been doing to me you don’t answer my Calls same time being arrogant to me on your texts… BUT One of the greatest virtues my Mum ever left me with is the virtue of Respect & Humility. 1st I respect anyone who came into the Music Ministry ahead of me and that’s why I respect your position in the Industry remembering you came 3 years b4 Kenya heard my Name. But Bro it seems you’re taking my Kindness for weakness… Just because BAHATI is known by Kenyans as soft spoken ati Nimpole hataongea. I agree but is just because GOD had not given me a go ahead, I try my best Nkunyamazie just to let God lead my path. You have tried many times to Create a “BEEF” between us because you’re always looking for a “SCANDAL” but do you know Why I have never answered anything about you Bro????? First.. Because am not called for Fame.. This’s God-given and GOD can take it from me anytime He wants so I try to HUMBLE that He may Receive the glory. Second.. I have a Society back where I come from in MATHARE that look up to me not as a Celeb as an inspiration. Bro Willy am here to make a Change I didn’t come to compete with you in Singing “BONGO MUSIC” but God put me here to be A VOICE TO THE, GHETTO, EASTLAND… AFRICAN CHILD. My mission is not the Music.. My mission is the Message to get home for the African Child and if there’s any other way God can use Let Him do I’ll stop Singing to make you happy. But Bro remember you came into Music b4 me but why are you making me feel as if we are in a Competition???? When I release a Song do you have to rush or be on Standby releasing yours to Counter Mine?????? Remember you had told many People around that your song ‪#‎VIGELEGELE‬ was a minor song just to distruct the public from Embracing my Song ‪#‎LOVER‬… Are we in the Gospel???? Are we doing this for God or fighting to see which Name is Big?????? The main aim of writing this to you is Because am Not even at peace with your spies you send all Over me to know what New am doing .. Are we still in the Gospel?????…….. Been quiet but I thought that is not salvation so I would like the Public.. Fans & Family to help me in THIS .. I recorded a Song with producer TEDDY B you went listened and undercover you recorded the Same Song, same Message, Same Producer even shamelessly same TITLE :: ‪#‎MAPENZI‬…. bro you did that because I can’t open up to the public ukidai Bahati ni Mpole. Remember you’ve stolen 2songs already but kept Quiet … Now you going to every Producer who has my UN-RELEASED songs bribing them you get my Songs that KENYA has not even heard and then rushing to release them.. Already you have stolen my Next NEW song that am supposed to release ‪#‎MARIA‬ from STILL ALIVE STUDIOS and RE . RECORDED it with a different TITLE ‪#‎SALIMA‬ and Rushing to release it next Month b4 I release mine… NDUGU YANGU… TUMEOKOKA KWELI????? But you know what Bro.. I have forgiven you and even given you the songs. #MAPENZI… #MARIA which you now call #SALIMA don’t hold just rush & release it. But Always Remember it’s not Music that Sustains a Musician but the GOD IN US!!! I depend on GOD to be in the position IAM . Lastly Willy Paul no One is Holy so.. forgive me if I have ever wronged you in anyway. But jua tuu hujakua ukinifanyia Poa Bro.
We hope this is not a beef on the making as Willy Paul has not yet replied to Bahati's post by the time of publishing.

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