

Men are normally victims of batter in a relationship, they are known for high tempered, maverick, and insular behavior which occasionally puts innocent heart of ladies in worst condition. many women are silently leaving under tough conditions where not a single  day could pass without being bitten by their husbands.
Men should try to employ diplomatic methods in solving family issues, because at times they even throttled their wife to death over a lousy issue or mistake. Celebrities are the commonly known for this, Rihanna  for example may think that she's  back to making sweet music together  with her battering boyfriend but she is sadly mistaken if she think he will never hit her again

Men who batters normally rarely do it once , even if they are rich or famous .
So if you are in a relationship with a guy who pushed, hit or slapped you once take it as a warning sign.
You can expect him to do it again and again.

 According to Dianna Ackard a PhD psychologist, she argued that, men often batters since they love their women and can't stomach silly mistakes, it seems so ironical because they only don't understand diplomatic handling of social issues. Basing in the case, you can't imagine how Chris Brown  hated his stepfather when he beat his mother.

Men should learn to guard their love, being so inquisitive and questioning of petty things like, who called?, why did you shake with so and so? and other frivolous issues, which may force you to over-think and act in a brutal manner. Though you can give your excuses that you girlfriends are the ones forcing you to act in such a manner but there are various ways of handling them out. However, some ladies in a relationship takes advantage of  silent and slow- tempered men to betray their love and masquerade to be the real women every man deserve. You also need to respect your man who respects you and develop a deeply rooted intimacy. Respect is the real pillar of a serious relationship.

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