I know the Bible says that “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house” but it also one of the commandments say “Do not steal” so where are we or our so called pastors missing the point?
Indeed it is up to us as Christians to do our part and give
to God what belongs to God and to Caesar(The tax man) what belongs to Caesar with
that said it doesn’t give the “Pastors” and “Prophets” or whatever they want to
call themselves the right to steal from us while hiding under the same blanket
and helping to tarnish the name of the genuine men of God, men (and women) God
has set aside to serve Him and lead His people to Him.
The church in Kenya or should I say the world has become a
business such that we can’t tell the difference between who is selling to us the word and who is preaching to us the word we all are hungry for the word that
is anything that will give us hope for the next day and hope that all will be
well but does it have to come at a price?
I am not saying that you should not give offering or tithe
in church but what I am saying is that our dear pastors should not take
advantage of our desperate need to finding hope to live by to rob from us (without
violence) and God after all what we take to church should be used to make the
church better but not to make themselves wealthy.
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