

Watching one of the late Dr. Myles Munroe's message I was brought to the attention of the fact that we are watching get worse. God's plan for mankind was that man be the foundation of his purpose here on earth.

Am not that stereotype guy or some male chauvinist but I strongly believe that it is time we put a little more focus on the boy child. I love how our ladies are empowered and in our today society they are top in the class and when they eventually get to the top is when they realize that they don't have empowered men ready for them.

I told my friend who was telling me that she couldn't find a man ready to face her and settle down with her. My response was "girl..You know too much", you intimidate men and where we are right now, no guy is up to the challenge. Truth is that, she and many others out there are not to blame. The boy child needs to be empowered as much to be able to WORK, LIVE, RELATE AND ASSOCIATE WITH THE EMPOWERED LADY.

The woman cannot be the head even if she is tough. She will be more effective when built on a foundation of a man. It might not be what you want to hear but that is God's plan for mankind. If we don't empower him, then drugs..alcohol..prostitutes..promiscuity..robbery among other vices will be their console.

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