

MANDATE: "Rediscovering Righteousness, Justice, and Peace in the Kingdom"

2014 FOCUS:  “The year of Fulfillment, Perfection, Completion, Justice and Success”
Ministry Priority:‘Reaching out – Reaching in.’

2014 Scriptures Mandate: Isaiah
9:6-7 NIV
[6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders…. [7] Of the increase and greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

Matthew 23:23 NIV
[23] “Woe to you, teachers of the
law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
You give a tenth of your spices---
mint, dill and cumin. But you have
neglected the more important matters of the law---justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.

Dear Kingdom Family,
Welcome to the New Year 2014! The
number “14” means double fulfillment, double perfection, double completion, Justice and Success. Therefore 2014 bring us into a Year of a season of fulfillment, completion and perfecting of our Goals, desires and Plans in the Kingdom of God. The power of “14” is the spirit of success and the application of Justice in relation to personal and national Government.

Therefore I declare 2014 THE YEAR OF KINGDOM GOVERNMENT-
The number one challenge of the
world today is dissatisfaction with government. Millions of citizens all over the world are rising up in protests of the governing authorities of their nations demanding transparency, fairness, honesty, equal opportunity, Social justice, security, protection, and political purity. The level of suspicion and
distrust of political leaders, local and international corporations,
institutions and religious organizations add to an atmosphere of intolerance that ends in constant social unrest.

Words used to describe
today's governments include corrupt, incompetent, greedy, selfish, dishonest, confused, misguided, oppressive, careless,
uncompassionate, and self serving. In recent times many governments have been the instigators of civil war among their own citizens turning the
machinery of law enforcement and
the military on the very people they were elected to serve and protect.

The conclusion and reality of the
global assessment of twenty first
century governments is that the
institutions that were elected to
solve problems have become the
problem. The result has been an ever increasing sprit of disillusionment among most citizens of nation in both developed and developing nations.

In essence winning the reins of
government is one thing but
governing is another. The indisputable evidence is that
people everywhere in every nation
desire and searching for the perfect government, one who genuinely cares for the welfare of the citizen, loves justice, protect the value of human dignity and worth, hates corruption, dedicated protecting the traditional spiritual values and moral and is faithful to the ideals of equality, fairness, compassion, and opportunity.

This desire for the perfect
government is inherent in the human spirit and is the result of the fall of mankind. The creation narrative in the book of Genesis records the creator conferring on mankind the privilege of Dominion over earth. The word dominion, Radah, is translated as "Kingdom Governing Authority"' thus giving man the first government system on earth called THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The concept of Government was created and introduced by the
Creator and is defined as the
institutional system that overseesthe dispensing of the constitutional legal rights, privileges, protections, resources, and responsibilities of the nation in the best interest on the citizen.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD is therefore
the first heavenly Government
institution of God dispensing His will and justices for mankind on earth. This is what mankind enjoyed in the Garden of Eden and lost in the fall.

This is the source of the unquenchable hunger and thirst in
the spirit of all humans for perfect Government- a government that dispenses the standards, values, morals, nature, qualities and culture of heaven on earth expressed in the concepts of LOVE, JOY, and PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. These words are the essence of the KINGDOM GOVERNMENT OF HEAVEN.

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