

 It is almost Christmas and most of us expect to receive something or at least we usually do during our birthdays but what if you gave instead?
I am one person who has always struggled when it comes to giving. I admit that previously I was not faithful when it comes to tithing but as time went by and I started studying about tithing I came to understand that the 10% of what I earn in anyway belongs to God and I should give it back to Him. When I understood that I started being faithful in my giving such that when I am budgeting the first thing that comes to mind is tithe and I kid you not God too has been faithful in His blessings to me I never lack not even when I am in panic mode and think that I am not going to make it but God has His ways and always makes everything work out eventually.
But giving to God is not just about giving your tithes or part of your produce; God wants more than that He needs you and him to spend quality time together. Do not make the quality time about crying out to Him when things go wrong make the quality time about you telling Him how much you love Him, How grateful you are to Him, and praising Him no matter where you are. The gift He gives back to you peace that surpasses all understanding, strength to weather the storm, joy and not happiness for happiness is short lived but joy lasts for a lifetime, and many other things that I can't state here.
Take it upon yourself today and give and you shall receive.

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