
One of my favorite songs is He's turned my mourning into dancing again He's lifted my sorrow I can't stay silent I must sing for His joy has come.

The past week during my me time with God I had been asking Him to speak to me I have often heard people say that they'd heard God telling them one thing or the other I never really knew what it meant until  I recently experienced it. Yes God won't talk to you the same way you converse with your friends He has His special way of doing things for me it was in the form of a reflection.
While walking God sort of took me back three years back to what I was doing then as a way of preparing me for what is ahead of me. In a span of less than 24 hours things just happened that I myself can't get mind around it but what I know Jesus was and still is  at the center of everything that took place and what is to take place.
What I know God does listen it is for us to sit still and listen to what He has to say and trust Him with our future in Him lies the power to turn our tears into laughter and joy. I don't know how this God works but I know He does great things and I would love to hear from Him over and over again.

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