

We can go on and on about what you could possibly do on social media. For some, a simple requirement like a sane mind could go a long way. Others require a bit of learning. It’s all the same for the don’ts. Some are just a matter of using common sense while others require education.
Some mistakes people make on social media are not as obvious as others. Some are committed by innocent individuals who mean no harm. This series hopes to help the innocent and bullies know how to “play it safe” because you never know what’s on someone else’s mind. You never know what they think about your salary or the selfies you post on a daily.
Let’s see how bad you have been and if you can change that while we hope some mistakes are not human nature.
  • ·      Don’t: Commit Password Mistakes

A recent study revealed the most common passwords so far. These are usually the most predictable and hence the weakest when it comes to securing your private information. This is just one of the common password mistakes. Others include:
       i.          Giving it away. Obviously. This is one mistake you should never make. Unless you completely trust someone or you don’t care what happens to your privacy, don’t give away your password.
     ii.          Using the same password. Whether it’s uncreativeness or dementia, it’s really common. A very big risk comes with using the same password on Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and wherever else. In case a problem makes your password public then it would be very easy for someone else to access other accounts using that password.

   iii.          Using short and very short passwords. This is not very common because most websites will forbid a password less than six characters.

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