is the ability to bring forth something new into existence. Innovation on the
other hand is the process of doing things, differently and in a better way,
innovation is therefore the process of transformation of creative ideas into
useful applications, but creativity is prerequisite to innovation. Innovation
is the creative regeneration and application of new ideas that achieve
significant improvement in product, activity, structure, etc.
are the methods of improving creativity:-
1. Brainstorming
– contributions of participants, all ideas are recognized, and no criticizing
or evaluating of ideas during brainstorming.
2. Reverse
brainstorming: - here contributions made by participants are criticized;
negatives about a contribution are brought to surface.
3. Brain
writing – contributions of participants are written down and shared.
4. Gordon
method – usually participants do not know the exact nature of the problem –
this prevents idea being clouded by preconceived ideas. A general concept
associated with a problem is given and the group responds by expressing a
number of ideas.
5. Checklist
– developing new ideas through a list of related
6. Free
associations – developing a new idea through a chain of word association -a
chain of ideas ending with a new product.
7. Force
relationships – forcing relationships among some products – product
8. Collective
notebook method – recording ideas about a problem in a notebook regularly e.g.
3 times a day. By end of week a list of the best ides is developed, along with
9. Attribute
listing – list attributes of an item or a problem and then look at each from a
variety of view point. Unrelated objects can be bought together to form a new
combination and possible new uses that better satisfy a need.
10. Big
dream approach – new idea developed through dreams thinking big.
11. Parameter
analysis – involves parameter identification and creative synthesis involves identification
of parameters – analyzing elements in a situation to determine their relative
importance. After the primary issues have been identified, the relationships
between parameters that describe the underlying issues are examined.
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