During creation, God created man
and woman and they were naked but not ashamed. He had fellowship with them and they went around in their business comfortable and all was normal till they met the devil who lied to them.
The devil did enlighten them but in
the wrong direction. He taught
them so many wrong things and
they went ahead and forsook God's
way and plan. This was the fall of
man but among the things he
taught them that night is my point today. He showed them to not appreciate who they are.
God didnt miss the point when he
left them naked but the devil came
with another report that taught
them that they were naked. God
asked them..who told you that you
are naked, simply because it wasn't supposed to be an issue.
God has blessed you and made all
things beautiful, however, is the
devil speaking to you a lie and
telling you that it is an issue and
you should be the other way and
not this way. Your lack, sickness,
oppression, need, environment and
circumstance is not an issue
because God is in control and he
wants you to trust him to see you
through it. When the enemy lies to
make it an issue, remember God
hasnt forgoten about it or you for his plans are perfect.
God sees you rich, beautiful,
successful, happy...who told you
you are not?
Brian you've opened my eyes now i see... Thank you.