we tie ourselves to what has decided to take its way out of our lives; what
hurts, disturbs and disorganizes our feelings day and night.
Hey, wait a minute, listen to my voice today; destiny is a driver of our day to day lives. What decides to walk out of you is never your destiny – it was just a passerby and it’s time must come for it to go. Just like the life we are proud of must go back to “owner”, the nicest cloth at the corner of your bed room; the one that makes you the smartest must get torn, wane out and you must have to drop it one day. It is not meant for you and it is not your fate to continue along.
Should that stress you?
Anybody who disappoints you, that one you always say is “Nagging” was not meant for you but just because you rushed to decide and hence forth you are just tying yourself to them at the expense of the ones who should have made you the happiest just because you don’t understand your real destiny. They only came in the painting of what you want. You just took a wrong choice.
“Let them go, they are not yours not yours. Go - look for yours, please! ”, says fate.
*****The End*****
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