

I have just read about a 24-year-old female intern who was arrested in Embu Town for allegedly posting hateful messages on Facebook. My first reaction was, “everyone should read about this.”
Apparently, not everybody out there knows exactly what it means to be on a social network. First of all, Social Media is a society. And every society has rules. Meaning, it’s more than just creating an account and uploading pictures of you and your pets. There is what you are supposed to do and what you are forbidden from doing, naturally and by the law. This is the debut post to a series of “Social Media Dos and Don’ts” to help you know and enforce what you already know about what I’ll dub “Social Media Limits”.
  •      Do: Be on Social Media
The Social Media’s a place where introverts and extroverts alike meet and talk like no one else is “listening”. It’s a great experience and I really encourage you to create a profile for your grandma.

It’s on Social Media that you’ll meet a prospective employer. It’s here that you’ll have your existing and potential customers listening to what you have to say about your products. Therefore, the first do is to be on it. There’s so much to lose by not “existing” on Social Media.

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