
Pioneer Consulting & Technologies ltd

Did you know that 28% of customers want the company they are buying from to communicate via email? 23% via telephone while 4% prefer social media. Only 16% want the communication in person.
“Digital marketing”. As a business owner, you should at least have a rough idea of what this is. Actually you must be really knowing what it means. If you do not then this post is essentially for you.
In simple terms, digital marketing is the use of one or more electronic media to promote your business. But what does it really mean for your business? Does it impact you that you do not have such a strategy in your business? Does it make any difference that you acquired that strategy for your business? Here are tips to help you answer the above questions. If you have an effective digital marketing strategy then congratulations and it’s really good for you. If you do not, it’s not too late but you have already lost too much to lose any more. So what does it mean and why do you need it?
1.   “You are directionless”
Sorry about that piece of truth but you are definitely not following any particular path in your quest for more profits. It’s the twenty-first century where people know about business corporations via the internet and not by word of mouth. People bookmark sites they find most interesting instead of mastering the street addresses. The debit/credit cards do all the work except keying in the details imprinted on them. It goes without saying that to be successful you need to “be online”. You need to have an active website where you refer and tell people about your products.
2.   “You will not tell your online market share”
Or maybe you will not have an online market share at all. All you’ll have will be the few people who discover your enterprise by accident while walking down the alley. Because who walks around window-shopping these days, right?
3.   “Existing and start-up enterprises will gain market share”
Due to (2), above, these people (who, by the way, are your competitors) will take up your market share and won’t even know they have. You will not be there, so your would-be market will be shared among your “business friends”.
4.   “Your online value proposition will not be strong enough”
An effective online value proposition enables you acquire customers and make them stay loyal. Your absence on the digital platform will deny you the customer proposition at this avenue. Again, the only customers you’ll have will be the few talked about in (2) and you know it. Without a strong loyal customer base your business is at a higher risk level than the anticipated profit level. That is to say you are almost out of business.
5.   “You really do not know your online customers”
Google Analytics will tell you about your volumes. But without an effective digital marketing strategy you can’t tell why your customers tally to 20,000 instead of 25,000. You can’t address your weak points if you do not even know them in the first place. Digital is the most measurable medium presently.
6.   “You are not spry enough to catch up or stay ahead”
Now that would sound really bad if someone said it to you. And I just did; I hope it sounds half as harsh. Because it’s only the truth. If you can’t maintain an effective digital marketing strategy then you can’t move alongside the marketing giants. But if you can keep a working digital marketing program then staying ahead will be easier and less costly.

Those are certainly words that would make you question your entrepreneurial skills and even make you lose your self-esteem. You certainly do not want to hear them or provide a chance to have them be said to you. Now is the time to act. Get a perfect or nearly-perfect digital marketing strategy for your business today and have your business thrive under new light. Remember: Out of sight, out of business.

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