

As citizens of this great country Kenya we are always being asked to step up and be part of our governance that is giving credit where it is due and criticism where  it is necessary. But what happens when the same criticism you give and the concern you show lands you in trouble or worse cost you your freedom?
I am writing this in reference to the youth from Embu who tried to raise concern over her county's development by asking why some medical facilities do not have water and are at the risk of being closed down. In my opinion the lady is far much better than the rest of the residents who just murmur in hashed tones about their disappointment in their leader and how things are running.
What the Embu Governor should have done is thank her for showing concern over the development of her county and bring up the issue to his attention.
Sadly we are a society that praises those who are busy abusing others, who are influencial enough for citizens to take their word as gospel truth and act on it causing harm. Yet, we condemn those who are showing concern those who should be the real heros.
Just a thought what if our leaders could get into our minds and actually know what we are thinking of them and their leadership, we probably be all in jail but since we keep silent we are heros.

Let us use our voice as citizens for a better country.

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