
Majority of us are interested in making money. Is there a minority that has no interest in money? That I doubt, but I have been warned severally to avoid unverified generalizations. All I can assert with confidence if not certainty is that I am not too extravagant in my assumption that many of us have making money as their first priority. In fact, as a poet friend of mine put it, God made man in the image of God, and man made money in the image of God- so when men say in God they trust, be cautious in the kind of God they ascribe. Here at Lets shine Africa-Wenami are delighted at this other year of opportunity that we begin.  Much as we would want to give you tips of ‘easy money’ in the business world if at all they exist,  we face a limit in that the information we give has to be true so that it is useful to you as a business person.

Remember that information is power. Especially in the world of business where competitive advantage has been gained by those who are able to get and use information well and in time, you cannot afford to depend on hearsay been spread in the market places. We endeavor this year to give information that bares these two important attributes so that if you are business minded you will stand to benefit to the most. One, we will give you timely information. Through our analysis of policies and changes in the market, we will avail to you information on opportunities and potential hazards for your business or business idea before anyone else does.  Second, we will issue information is true so that you can rely on us.  Trust us, hearsay can be dangerous, untimely information useless, but it is even more tragic if one relies on a piece of information that is false.

If you know how valuable information is, you agree with me that there can be no other place to get easy money in 2015 than it can be here at Lets shine Africa. And I see your business shinning in 2015.


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