
Everything that has a beginning has an end. This goes for relationships as well. Some relationships last for a long time, while others die early. It is always imperative to know when it is time to end a relationship. There are some people who stay in a dead relationship either because they are in denial or they haven't realized it's over. Break-ups are usually messy, but when a relationship is ended on time and properly instead of being dragged through the mud of 'what ifs' and "maybes" then the chances of  an amicable parting increases. These are some of the signs that can show you when your relationship either needs professional help or needs to end.

Constant fighting

Fighting in a relationship is normal, in fact it is healthy. It is a great way to vent, raise concerns and solve issues. However, if it gets to a point in a relationship where you fight all the time, then that is a problem. Not just once in a while, but every time one of you says something a fight is guaranteed. Constant fighting in a relationship is very dangerous, and can lead to physical violence. So, before permanent damaged (emotional or physical) is caused, either break off the relationship or seek help.

Communication failures

 One of the things that ultimately breaks or makes a relationship is communication. When it boils down to it, a relationship cannot survive without communication. In fact, after a while a relationship is more about companionship and communication than anything else. So, if by as a couple you no longer talk to each other about anything then it means one or both of you has checked out of that relationship. Communication is so essential in a good relationship that even more than constant fighting, if this aspect is no longer part of a relationship, it is hard to revive that relationship.

You avoid talking about future plans

In a relationship, there is always that fundamental question, "where do you see us going from here?" Future plans are vital in a relationship, it tells you if marriage is a possibility, if children are, or if the relationship is just casual with no future prospects. If in a relationship, your partner and you start avoiding discussing the future then something is off. If one or both of you start to see your relationship as a dead-end, with no future in sight, then it is time to end things.


 Even though it is hard to maintain continuous passion and thrill in a relationship, it is important that dullness never take hold of your relationship. Relationships don't have to be a telenovela movie to be interesting, what keeps a relationship fun include; communication, going out together, movie nights, vacations and more. However, if at some point in a relationship, you start to feel restless, you start to daydream about another life, seeing your partner starts to irritate you and you get bored when your partner speaks, then it is time to pull the plug. Boredom usually leads to mood swings, and a very bad sex life, which rots a relationship, so the sooner it is ended or revived the better.

No affection 

Many couples have cute little ways they refer to each other, whether it is babe, sweetie, or booboo, these terms are one way couples show affection to each other. Affection can be either verbal or physical, a compliment or hand holding, these little gestures glue relationships together. So, when at some point in a relationship, compliments are replaced by constant insults, and the thought of touching your partner repulses you then something is wrong. Affection reminds couples that they still care, after a big fight or during times of sadness, so if you take that away, then it means that there is no love left, and if there is, it needs to be rekindled.

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