Have ever come to a situation that you find so hard
to love your biological mother with a genuine love or the vice versa? This will
shock you.
A mother who is alleged to have eaten her child’s
heart is aligned in court for a death sentence. This is a very rare case and indeed
unacceptable circumstance. We all expect our mothers to love and cherish us
with uncontrollable endurance. We all expect our mothers to give us those
morning kisses and those goodnight kisses and hugs but that seems to be of
late. As a human being there is no way you can expect a mother and indeed a
real mother to eat her own child leave alone taking away their lives.
Nine months in the womb the mom carried this child,
making sure she takes care of herself and eating a balanced diet so as to keep
her life and of the child’s healthy. After the period she gives birth to
promising bright kid, later on after some years of growth all of sudden she
eats up heart leaving the child lifeless.
Where did mothers love for their own kids disappear
to? Where is that genuine cherish from mothers to their own kids? Am sure their
many women out their whom in one way or another are unable to give birth due to
many reasons. These women if you ask them all what they would wish for in this
world, they’ll tell you is a child. This is where humanity is maintained.
To all mothers out there, every kid you got has a
genuine and important aspect in this life, they too have a promising future
like any other kid from anywhere in this globe. Its through You and Me that we
can make this world change and make it a global village.
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