
FKF says their league is the legitimate one
The standoff between Kenya Premier League Limited and Football Kenya Federation over the number of teams that will participate in the 2015 season took a turn for the worse after both parties released different kick off dates and remained firm on their stands.
KPL released a statement saying their stand on the 16-team league was non-negotiable and it would kick off on Saturday 21 February.
“KPL Governing Council met on 24th January and unanimously confirmed that the Kenyan Premier League will have 16 teams in 2015".
The members also agreed that the league will kick off on Saturday 21 February,” read their statement in part.
FKF Stand
KPL says they can only reduce teams not increase
A few hours later, FKF hit back saying the 18-team league would be the legitimate one and would kick off on Saturday 14 February.
“The FKF National Executive Council directs that the premier league shall henceforth be known as the Football Kenya Premier League, comprising 18 teams from 2015 to be run by participating clubs”
“It shall be the only officially recognized top-flight league in Kenya will kick off on February 14 2015", read part of FKF’s statement.
The standoff now leaves Kenyan fans on the edge as they dread parallel leagues.

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