
Apart from a kinship connection or relationship, love relationship has been a key problem to many, everyone needs  to be loved and loved somebody either platonic intimacy or sex relationship.
Oxytocin hormone  is a "love hormone" sailing almost all relationship. the chemical knowledge as the "cuddle hormone" in which partners or couples are wired to release this hormones in respect to certain behaviors . oxytocin hormone is produce mainly in hypothalamus , where it is either release into theblood via pituitary gland or other parts of the brain and spinal cord where it binds to oxytocin receptors influencing behavior and psychological triggers.
oxytocin triggers towards rewards system to activate on partners face,the presence of the partner.
 according to Dr. Rene Hurlemann a professor of psychiatry ,when you are first becoming intimate, you are realizing lots of depomine and oxytocin that is creating the link between neural system that are processing your facial cues , your voice and reward system.
as times goes on and couples become less intimate, linkage can decay, but activities such as holding hands, kissing and having sex may help restore connection.
now it is clear that to avoid linkage decay, which may leads to relationship breakage, the closeness and active shairing between the couples remain a paramount aspect to be focus on. being close to your partner, caressing one another,hugging and kisses helps to prevent a day to day occurence of relationship turmoils in the society.
with oxytocin hormone man find it hard to even cheats his or her wife since the hormone prevents him from signaling Romantic interest to other women.

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