I have so far heard these two infamous quotes about
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder (or the comical
version Beauty lies in the eye of the beer
holder) and one I came across recently abs
are made in the kitchen. Well what that simply means that what you eat or
ingest is what is reflected on the outside i.e. your skin and muscles.
There is a lot in our kitchens or at least we put in our
kitchen that can make or break our skin, muscles and eventually our health.
Having that beautiful skin that every one envy’s and admires doesn’t mean
breaking the bank it means trying to do with the little you have to make great
impact. My go to tip for beauty in the kitchen is:
- WATER: I can’t over emphasize water is important and your best friend when it comes to beauty it does clean your inside and outside.
- Balanced diet: Various foods work differently to not just give us beautiful skin but also help us fight diseases and prevent some thus keeping us healthy.
Sometimes we have hormones that mess us up
but thank God for natural DIYs. Keep it here for DIYs that I have personally
tried for my hair and face.
Stay beautiful and healthy.
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