
Last week Kenyans went crazy when Pat Robertson a respected American Televangelist made a rather what I would call an irresponsible comment about AIDS, Kenya, and Towels
Personally I was mad I was like "this man has finally redefined ignorance" but wait is it really his fault or the viewer who was asking about coming to Kenya on a mission. Actually we are to blame, yes we are if we just take steps to telling stories that reflect positively on Kenya maybe just maybe the person inquiring might have done a better research about Kenya and known that Ebola (that was the viewer's main concern) is yet to get to Kenya, and for Robertson well, AIDS is kind of everywhere and anyone can contract it but I can't remember being told that I can get AIDS from towels!!!
If we only focused more on telling stories about development I'm sure investors will see sense in coming to invest in Africa knowing that they will get returns but what are we putting out there? Corruption, bad leadership, and terrorism; who would want to be associated with that? I know you wouldn't but before we tell those stories let us get our house in order first i.e. let us elect credible leaders, leaders of integrity, after all they represent you let them be a good reflection of you.

Let us make our positive stories and tell them.

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