
Talking about doing business is sweet for many of us. We had a dream, and some of us still have the dream to be our own bosses some day. We imagine a beautiful scenario by putting ourselves in our bosses’ shoes and figure out how life would be fun. Sometimes it can even be tempting to imagine an unrealistic boss, one who sleeps very early and wakes up late, comes to work late to find all the chores already done by their juniors. This misleading imagination has made many people quit their well paying jobs with hope that the business world will easily accept them. A few have made it, but so many have regretted why they left their work in the first place.  So, what makes the difference between those who make it and those whom the business environment filters out? After doing some research on this question, I ended up studying those who have never been employed by anyone but have built their businesses from scratch. Fascinated by their stories, I gave them the name ‘Business addicts’.

This is where many of us who fail often miss the point. We are excited about a business we have seen in its maturity forgetting the realities and challenges it had to go through growing up. Business is like a tree that business addicts have a hobby in planting. They are so passionate about it that they are not threatened or discouraged by the risk of it dying before it gives the first fruit. As a matter of fact, they probably have planted so many which have withered and dried before the one we see today survived. They have the skill of tending to it and the professional know-how of when to water, prune, and fertilize the tree. Their passion builds courage to face the challenges in the business environment. But one ought to be careful not to mistake their courage with blind bravery, rather, wisdom from acquired information about their market and industry helps them prepare in advance on how to face on coming winds, gaging whether the tree will withstand the winds by bending or it will need support.  This ability to predict market is so critical in buying a mature business or building a new one. An entrepreneur who sells a productive mature tree may seem foolish, but if his/her fears about the future of the business turn true, and for example in that future a wild disease of foreign competition attacks the tree killing it, the buyer will be left cursing their own wisdom.

Success of business addicts builds their confidence and ability to persevere. They know despite the current setbacks, guided by wisdom soon they will make a kill. So the next time you plan to have a business, remember to plan for the business first, then to survive emulate the typical business addict.

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