

As life moves on, one of the basic lessons I’ve learnt is that I should never look at you and despise you because of either the circumstance I see you in or imagine exists thereof around you. I also learnt that life’s battles are not won through negative rhetoric since you just might never know, the other person might be the biblical JOSEPH you never imagined he or she would eventually be!

Moreover I learnt that waking up each morning to go to work is no reason to imagine that I have finally “arrived” and that jobs and possessions can varnish within a split second but golden souls reign with no limits.

In all this I asked myself, what is more important, the small job I have that makes me forget the bigger picture that life is or just being happy in life, with or without niceties, with or without jobs?

I have a few logical lessons that I carry each day in this journey of life as we celebrate each milestone that we achieve:
(Make peace with all your mistakes and erroneous judgements so they don’t spoil your journey towards happiness- remember happiness is not about your job or cash, someone else in campus is soon graduating to take over your office!! (What others think and take time to talk about is entirely none of your business- let them talk and spend their airtime calling as you rectify your faults and move forward. (Do not start comparing your life with others- whether you feel you are better placed compared to them or otherwise- you have absolutely no idea what their journey is all about!

God has a good plan for you! Who you are now is not who you are meant to become tomorrow.  Dont lose your happines over the limits around you now.

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