
I know you want to make a difference. There is a voice inside telling you that no matter where you are you can cause the world around you to be better in atleast one way. You dont need to touch a million people but if you can trully have someone smile or thank God for you, then you have touched a life. This are a few ways you can be someone's angel in 2015.
1. Give your time
As much as one can give everything but try as much to spend quality time with friends and family.
Offer to take someone for a walk, a treat, a movie or a safari. You never forget memories that are made in this way.
2. Give your ear
You already know that so many a times the people around you just like you at some point face hills and valleys in life.
You might not help by removing the hill or filling the valley but when you give them a listening ear, you allow them to relieve the pressure within them. This gives them room to better solve their problems. People have solutions but the pressure makes the solutions invisible.
3. Give your wealth
You dont need to have millions to give, but you might have an rxtra shoe, an extra dress, an extra tie or suit that might be a blessing to someone God shall show you. Pay someone's fare to town not because you want them to pay yours someday.
Pay someone's rent when they least expected even if they can afford. Suprizes are good especially when you still could manage but someone offered to pay the bill.
Remember, you are the solution to the challenges in people's lives around you.

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  1. What an article..! I want to make a difference this year and above all be the difference


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